
Smoothie Bar

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  /  Baking   /  Summer Feta Tart

Summer Feta Tart

Summer Feta Tart

Recipe by Chef Kevin Dundon


  • 300g Shortcrust Pastry

  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil

  • 80g Bacon, sliced

  • 3 Shallots, sliced

  • 4 pieces of Asparagus, sliced

  • 100g Feta Cheese, crumbled

  • 3 tbsp Irish Yogurts Clonakilty Half Fat Crème Fraîche

  • 100g Cherry Tomatoes, halved

  • 80g Fresh Peas

  • 3 tbsp Basil Leaves

  • 2 tbsp Flat Leaves Parsley

  • 40g Spinach Leaves

  • 40g Salad Leaves

  • Salt and Pepper


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C
  • Roll out the pastry and line a 9-inch quiche dish or shell. Place in the fridge for 5 minutes to settle
  • Fill the base with parchment paper and blind baking beans. Fully blind bake the shell for 15 minutes or until the pastry is lightly browned
  • Remove the ceramic beans and place the tart shell back in the oven to continue to cook a further 5 minutes to allow the base to cook and brown a little more and fully cooked. Remove from the oven and set aside
  • In the meantime, prepare in a bowl prepare the feta mixture. Combine the feta with the crème fraîche, cherry tomatoes, peas and toss with fresh herbs and salad leaves. Season well, toss to combine and keep aside
  • Then, in a sauté pan, over medium heat, cook the chopped bacon for 2 minutes and add the shallots and asparagus. Sauté for a further 2 minutes or so then remove from the heat
  • Once the pastry is cooked and slightly cooled or at room temperature, add the feta mixture onto the base. Add the warm bacon and asparagus and sprinkle a few more fresh herbs if desired. Serve and enjoy!